All of Richard Painter’s Goons, My Abusive and Deranged Stalkers, are back on Twitter, no matter the no of Lock Outs or Suspensions. Twitter wants them to Terrorize Me and Drive Me to Suicide
I just want the whole world to appreciate this point.
All of Richard Painter’s Goons, all of my Abusive and Deranged Stalkers, are up and running on Twitter, continuing to terrorize me and try to drive me to suicide, no matter how many times they’ve been locked out or permanently suspended. Great job, Twitter Support and Safety, making Twitter a safe space where everyone can feel free to express themselves. Richard Painter and his Goons, my Abusive and Deranged Stalkers, are right back to swatting and doxxing and stalking and abusing and harassing me in the most reprehensible manner possible.
Just imagine how quickly Twitter would shut me down, if I made a new account. Please remember that Twitter permanently suspended me for reporting the egregious abuse and harassment inflicted upon me by Richard Painter and his goons. I now believe that Richard Painter was probably behind my permanent suspension, because he wants to destroy me, because he will never be elected Governor of Minnesota now, after what he did to me. The Good People of MN will NEVER elect a man who abuses traumatized and vulnerable women on Twitter for sport. I am the PROOF that Richard Painter is a Woke KKK Monster and an evil, lying bigot and charlatan and fraud.
I want to make this perfectly clear: Twitter wants their users to terrorize me and to drive me to suicide, to protect their blue check mark public figures, including Richard Painter, who attempted, repeatedly, to mob me to suicide on their platform. I have been living in a state of absolute terror for the past 4 months, truly, the past 4 years.
But, the good news is that everyone besides Twitter is doing the right thing and standing with me, the innocent victim who has been living inside of a hellish and surreal nightmare for almost 4 years. Everyone else besides Twitter told Richard Painter and his Goons to go jump in a lake.
I just want to say how much I love GoFundMe, WordPress, Instagram, YouTube, Google, Facebook, Medium, Patreon, Parler, Gettr, PayPal, and Venmo, and I hope I’m not missing anyone, and, of course, the NV and NY State Bars and my employers. They appreciate that I am a True Whistleblower, speaking Real Truth to Power.
I am crying tears of relief and gratitude. I really believe that we turned a corner. I don’t think that Richard Painter and his Goons can hurt me anymore. They have been exposed as the Woke KKK Monsters that they are.
I think the tide turning happened for two reasons:
1 — the behavior was so evil, so vile, so clearly meant to bring about my death and the utter destruction of my life and meant to drive me to suicide — yesterday, my home address was posted on Twitter. Richard Painter’s Goons pretended that I had guns and that they were going to have me arrested for a clearly fake restraining order. This was the cherry on the cake of the most disgusting and reprehensible abuse and harassment and stalking and doxxing that Twitter has allowed on their platform over the past 4 months, since mid September, 2021, when Richard Painter began his campaign to destroy my life and drive me to suicide, to use me as a proxy to attack University of Chicago Law and Philosophy Professor Brian Leiter. The last 4 months of my life have been replete with sheer terror that my abusive and deranged stalkers were going to find a way to decimate what semblance of a life I have left, by getting me fired and disbarred and kicked off my social media and fundraising sites that are keeping me alive.
2 — good people and organizations are standing with me and standing up to the evil campaign of Richard Painter and his Goons. The NV State Bar told Richard Painter and his Goons that their complaints against me were baseless. GoFundMe told Richard Painter and his Goons that their charges against me were baseless. YouTube told Richard Painter and his Goons to buzz off. And, some wonderful and true and dear friends on Twitter stood up to Richard Painter and his Goons, including James C Coyne, Tim Skellett, Paula Wright, ScepticalAussie, Richard Sainte-Marie, and, of course, my Twitter mom and guardian angel, Gretchen Mullen, skepticreview89 on Twitter. I love you all forever.
Twitter should be absolutely ashamed of what they have done to me, not just over the past 4 months, but over the past almost 4 years. I believe that Richard Painter and his Goons got me suspended from Twitter. I believe that Richard Painter did this, because he is contemplating a run for MN Governor, and that will NEVER happen now, after what he has done to me over the past 4 months. Twitter continues to encourage and support the most egregious abuse and harassment and stalking and doxxing of me on their platform to this day. They allow all of my abusive and deranged stalkers to make new accounts on their platform, regardless of how many times they have been permanently suspended. Twitter refuses to rightfully restore my account to full functionality, after they permanently suspended me for reporting egregious abuse and harassment. Of course, I believe that Twitter is doing this to me to protect their blue check mark public figures, including Richard Painter, who have repeatedly attempted to mob me to suicide on their platform.
I am just crying tears of relief and gratitude right now. It feels like the tide has turned. 2022 is the Year of Woke Tyrants getting their comeuppance. The Truth is finally coming out. I love you all so much, everyone who has stood by my side throughout this almost 4 year hellish nightmare that I just barely survived. xoxoxo