I Promise All of My Beautiful Supporters This: I Will NEVER Stop Telling the TRUTH, No Matter What My Attackers Do To Me.
I have an untold number of enemies. The most powerful people and institutions in the world consider me their enemy. Why? Because I only tell the simple, honest to God TRUTH. The Truth about the witch hunt at Yale. The Truth about the global vilification and defamation campaign against me that almost got me killed. The Truth about the Fake News Press and Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry. The Truth about Woke KKK Cancel Culture and Trial by Twitter without Due Process. The Truth about the Living or Napping While Black Hate Crime Hoax at Yale. The Truth about Everything.
But, I promise my beautiful supporters this: I will NEVER stop telling the simple, honest to God Truth, no matter what my attackers do to me.
They will have to kill me to get me to stop screaming the Truth from the mountaintops. And, they might. But, I will NEVER stop fighting for Justice and to restore Due Process and Equal Protection at Yale and everywhere. I will NEVER stop fighting to save the Federal Civil Rights Act and Civil Liberties. I will NEVER stop fighting to end Woke KKK Cancel Culture and Trial by Twitter without Due Process that is destroying us.
I promise that I will never stop telling the Truth.
My Twitter mom and guardian angel, Gretchen Mullen, skepticreview89, is going to report the abuse and harassment against me on Twitter, so that I don’t have to look at this garbage anymore. I love her forever. I am going to focus on finishing my book about what was done to me by Yale and the Fake News Press and Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry and what we can do to end Woke KKK Cancel Culture and Trial by Twitter without Due Process that is destroying us.
I’m in a dark place tonight. I’ve done everything I know how to do, and I don’t know what else to do. I honestly thought that I would have been able to save my life and career by now. I thought this hellish nightmare would be over by now. I underestimated how much my many enemies, the most powerful people and organizations in the world, do NOT want me to save my life and career.
If you wish to support me, as I seek justice, it would mean the world to me. Here are my PayPalMe and GoFundMe links.
PayPalMe: https://www.paypal.me/SarahBraasch
You can follow me on twitter here: https://twitter.com/sarahbraasch1?lang=en
Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz4xV2R6mTVJhAu9OQzwp5g