James C Coyne Defends Me Against U of NV Law Prof Addie Rolnick. Why When James C Coyne Apologized to Me at the FIRE Org Faculty Conference in Oct/Nov 2019 it was NOT the End of This Hellish Nightmare: Jonathan Haidt.
I love James C Coyne forever. He is CoyneoftheRealm on Twitter.
He was also subjected to Twitter social media Moral Outrage mobs and Cancel Culture and Trial by Twitter without Due Process. He has been one of my most amazing and steadfast supporters.
He is someone who initially participated in the witch hunt at Yale, but he made a public apology to me at the FIRE Org Faculty Conference in October/November, 2019, where he spoke about his own Cancellation. He called upon the Academic Community to join him in making public apologies to me, if they had participated in destroying the life of an innocent, my life. He spoke with Stephen Pinker about me at the conference.
Both James C Coyne and I had high hopes that others who had participated in the global vilification and defamation campaign against me, including Jonathan Haidt, would join him in making public apologies to me. I truly thought, at the time, that it was the beginning of the end of the hellish nightmare that I am still living in almost 4 years later.
I believe that the primary reason that that moment in time did not turn out to be the beginning of the end of this hellish nightmare is because of Jonathan Haidt.
For some inexplicable reason, Jonathan Haidt has absolutely refused to acknowledge his role in the witch hunt at Yale that almost got an innocent Yale grad student and lifelong civil rights attorney killed.
Jonathan Haidt continues his behind the scenes smear campaign against me to this day.
This is the email that Jonathan Haidt clearly has been sending out to anyone who asks him about me. It is a complete repudiation of his entire body of work, especially The Coddling of the American Mind. He embraces mind reading, implicit bias, the rejection of the importance of intent, and Woke Intersectional Feminism, particularly the tenet that if a Black person accuses a white person of having perpetrated a racist hate crime comparable to a Lynching, no Due Process is needed; the white person is guilty and should be immediately sentenced to Social Death via Woke KKK Cancel Culture and Trial by Twitter without Due Process. Any attempt by the white person to defend themselves is simply further evidence of racism. Any demand for Due Process or evidence is simply further condemnation of racism:
I believe that part of what motivated Jonathan Haidt to go full blown Woke is to justify what he did to me: he turned his Fall 2018 Book Tour for the Coddling of the American Mind (with Greg Lukianoff of the FIRE Org) into a social media Moral Outrage Mob against me. Jonathan Haidt grossly defamed me, unequivocally condemning me as an egregious racist, on Sam Harris’ podcast and on the New York Times Book Review podcast, and elsewhere.
Yes, this was a complete repudiation of the Coddling and the entirety of Haidt’s body of work.
But, James C Coyne gives me hope and renews my strength.
He just took to task two of my most horrifying abusers on Twitter:
Addie Rolnick is one of the University of NV Law School Professors who just published what can only be construed as a Death Threat against me, an attempted Lynching, according to the NAACP’s definition of a lynching as a Public Killing without Due Process. Addie Rolnick co-authored a new entry to the “Get Sarah Braasch Killed” Moral Outrage Industry that is so prevalent in US law schools. It is a new addition to the new genre of law school journal article, the race baiting dystopian fantasy, but Rolnick and company added a twist by making theirs a sex fantasy. They wax ad nauseam and psychotic about how the sole purpose of US Policing is to protect white women, as the sexual and reproductive property of white men, from libidinous Black men.
U of NV law school professor Addie Rolnick should issue a public apology to me and resign in abject shame for what she did to me. But, instead, she replied to the abuse account, one of Richard Painter’s minions, who has been terrorizing me across social media, including Twitter, for months now, including by trying to destroy my life and drive me to suicide by getting me fired and disbarred and de-platformed. And, U of NV law school professor Addie Rolnick said that she is proud to have participated in the witch hunt at Yale that almost got an innocent Yale grad student and lifelong human and civil rights attorney killed. U of NV law school professor Addie Rolnick said that she is proud of her great moral victory of having destroyed the life and career of a lifelong human and civil rights attorney and activist who had dedicated her life to fighting oppression. U of NV law school professor Addie Rolnick said that she is proud of having pushed an obvious Living While Black Hate Crime Hoax, Napping While Black at Yale, even though she helped destroy the Living While Black movement by turning it into a Race Hoax and Bloodsport, targeting and demonizing vulnerable white women for Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry money and gain. U of NV law school professor Addie Rolnick said that she is proud to have debased the gravity of the term ‘Lynching.’ U of NV law school professor Addie Rolnick said that she is proud to have exploited the killings and shootings, including by the police, of Black men and boys, for Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry money and gain.
I don’t think U of NV law school professor Addie Rolnick should be proud of what she has done. I think she should be mortified. What she has done is sick and evil and racist. She subjected an innocent to Woke KKK Cancel Culture. She is an embarrassment to legal academia.
Thank you to James C Coyne for your support.
My Twitter mom and guardian angel, Gretchen Mullen, skepticreview89, is going to report the abuse and harassment against me on Twitter, so that I don’t have to look at this garbage anymore. I love her forever. I am going to focus on finishing my book about what was done to me by Yale and the Fake News Press and Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry and what we can do to end Woke KKK Cancel Culture and Trial by Twitter without Due Process that is destroying us.
I’m in a dark place tonight. I’ve done everything I know how to do, and I don’t know what else to do. I honestly thought that I would have been able to save my life and career by now. I thought this hellish nightmare would be over by now. I underestimated how much my many enemies, the most powerful people and organizations in the world, do NOT want me to save my life and career.
If you wish to support me, as I seek justice, it would mean the world to me. Here are my PayPalMe and GoFundMe links.
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