Richard Painter is a Woke KKK Charlatan and Fraud Who is Undermining the US Black Social Justice Movement by Pushing Obvious Living While Black Race & Hate Crime Hoaxes.

Sarah Braasch
2 min readNov 16, 2021

When I filmed the Social Justice documentary The Call, with Chico Colvard and Madison O’Leary of C Line Films, one of the things we talked about was the importance of denouncing Living While Black Race and Hate Crime Hoaxes. Because, if we don’t denounce the Hoaxes, then we undermine the Black Social Justice Movement in the US, because people will stop believing it when true acts of Racism occur, including on college campuses, like Yale and Smith College.

And, here is the Woke KKK Charlatan and Fraud, Richard Painter, destroying the US Black Social Justice Movement, by pushing obvious Living While Black Race and Hate Crime Hoaxes at Yale and Smith College, and digging his own political grave, because he refuses to admit that he has been waging a 2 month campaign to drive an innocent Yale grad student and civil rights attorney to suicide, to use me as a proxy to attack University of Chicago Law and Philosophy Professor, Brian Leiter:

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Sarah Braasch

Rocket Scientist, NYS Attorney, Human and Civil Rights Activist, PhD Candidate in Philosophy at Yale, & Defender of Civil Liberties & Due Process & Free Speech