Richard Painter Must Be Fired By the University of MN Law School For His 4 Month Campaign to Destroy My Life and Drive Me to Suicide

Sarah Braasch
9 min readJan 4, 2022


Woke KKK Twitter Menace Richard Painter seems to think that Amy Wax should be fired by Penn.

Well, I think that Richard Painter must be fired by the University of Minnesota.

I don’t think I need to labor this point. The whole world knows at this point that Richard Painter has waged an almost 4 month campaign to destroy my life and drive me to suicide. I can only think that Richard Painter is doing this, because the whole world knows that I am an innocent Yale PhD Candidate and lifelong human and civil rights attorney, and Richard Painter is trying to drive me to suicide, because he is contemplating a run for MN Governor, and I am the PROOF that he is unfit for public office. I am the PROOF that Richard Painter is an evil, lying bigot and charlatan and fraud.

I am literally in a state of shock over what Twitter has not only condoned on their platform today and the last few days and months, but has actively encouraged, supported, and rewarded to be done to me — the most grotesque and dangerous and vile harassment and abuse and stalking and doxxing imaginable. I am in a state of shock.

I can say, unequivocally, after what happened today, and is still ongoing, and what has happened to me over the last few days and weeks and months, on Twitter, that Twitter 100% wants their users to terrorize me to death and to drive me to suicide. I believe that Twitter is doing this to protect their blue check mark public figures, including Richard Painter, who have attempted, repeatedly, to mob me to suicide on Twitter’s platform.

I promise all of my beautiful supporters that I am doing everything I can to remain strong and calm and brave. I promise you that I will continue to speak Real Truth to Power. I promise you that I will never stop fighting for Justice for all of us, for all victims of Woke KKK Cancel Culture and Trial by Twitter without Due Process. We will win this fight. I promise you that. 2022 is going to be the year when the Woke KKK Tyrants get their comeuppance.

I want the whole world to know that James C Coyne, CoyneoftheRealm on Twitter, literally saved my life yesterday. He was defending me against my abusive and deranged stalkers on Twitter, who have waged campaigns to drive me to suicide for months now, if not years. This includes, and, yes, this should be shocking to everyone, Richard Painter. (I am replacing these screen shots with redacted versions, because I don’t want someone to have a single excuse to continue to try to contact and terrorize me.)

I want the whole world to know that James C Coyne, CoyneoftheRealm on Twitter, was defending me against Richard Painter and his minions, who have been waging vicious and relentless campaigns to destroy my life and drive me to suicide for months now. They have been attacking my jobs, because they want me to starve to death on the streets. They have been sending emails to and calling my employers. They have been attacking my law license. They have been bragging on Twitter about getting my colleagues to report me to the NV State Bar. (I believe this is a lie.). But, in one case, the person posted on Twitter that the NV State Bar told her that her complaint was rejected, and that I would not be sanctioned in any manner for my GoFundMe fundraiser, because my GoFundMe is the antithesis of a Fraud. They have been attacking my social media and fundraising sites that are keeping me alive. As I just mentioned, GoFundMe is standing by my side, because they know that I am a True Whistleblower, Speaking Real Truth to Power. All of my social media and fundraising sites are standing by my side, save Twitter. Twitter continues to encourage and support the most reprehensible and vile abuse and harassment of me on their platform. It is mind boggling. I can only think that Twitter is doing this to protect their blue check mark public figures, including Richard Painter, who have repeatedly attempted to mob me to suicide on their platform.

The last few months have been a hellish nightmare to rival the months following George Floyd’s killing. This is all due to Richard Painter’s near 4 month campaign to destroy my life and drive me to suicide, which I have been publicly documenting, including on my blog and YouTube Channel. I detail Richard Painter’s Twitter campaign to destroy me below.

I just wanted to make perfectly clear to the entire world that James C Coyne is a hero. He saved my life last night. I also want to say how much I love Paula Wright, SexyIsntSexist on Twitter, and Tim Skellett, Gurdur on Twitter, and ScepticalAussie on Twitter, and Richard Sainte-Marie, rickstem on Twitter, and, of course, my Twitter mom and guardian angel, Gretchen Mullen, skepticreview89 on Twitter.

I literally wouldn’t be here without them. I love them forever.

I love GoFundMe Forever. They are standing by my side, just as they have always done throughout this hellish almost 4 year nightmare. GoFundMe can see that I am a True Whistleblower, Speaking Real Truth to Power. GoFundMe told me that they are so sorry that my fundraiser was even placed under a temporary hold, and they told me that my fundraiser is absolutely fine, and I have nothing to worry about. I love GoFundMe forever. They have always stood by my side. They’re awesome. If anyone needs to raise funds or crowdfund for some reason, you can count on GoFundMe. They have been nothing less than amazing to me. GoFundMe told all of my abusive and deranged stalkers to buzz off. I believe that the latest deluge of bad faith reports being made to try to bring down my GoFundMe came from Richard Painter and his minions.

I am so happy. The last 4 months have been an absolute hellish nightmare, ever since Richard Painter began his campaign to drive me to suicide and destroy my life. The whole world knows that Richard Painter began viciously and relentlessly attacking me in mid September, 2021, to use me as a proxy to attack University of Chicago Law and Philosophy Professor Brian Leiter. The terror and stress I have been living under during the past few months rivals that of the months following George Floyd’s killing. Richard Painter is evil. That’s all I have to say about him and his disgusting behavior. He has spent the past 4 months abusing and terrorizing an already traumatized and vulnerable woman on Twitter. He won’t stop now until I’m dead, because he is contemplating a run for MN Governor, and that is now out of the question, because of what he did to me. I am the living, breathing PROOF that Richard Painter is unfit for public office. I am the still living, breathing PROOF that Richard Painter is an evil, lying bigot and charlatan and fraud who abuses traumatized and vulnerable women on Twitter for sport. The good people of MN will NEVER elect him Governor.

I love you, GoFundMe, for telling Richard Painter and his minions to buzz off. Twitter could learn a thing or two about integrity and decency and humanity from GoFundMe.

I think it’s clear by now that Richard Painter is probably the Twitter blue check mark public figure who got me kicked off Twitter. He is likely also protecting his minions who engage in the most reprehensible and despicable campaigns against me on Twitter. Rest assured, the TRUTH will come out. I will be vindicated. And, the role that Twitter and Twitter’s blue check mark public figures played in the witch hunt at Yale and the destruction of my life will be exposed.

It’s also clear that Richard Painter, despite being an Ethics Lawyer (?!?!), knows next to nothing about Fraud or Commercial or Free Speech. I’m not the liar. Richard Painter is the liar who has been telling the most monstrous lies about me on Twitter for the past 4 months. When I make an appeal on GoFundMe for donations, I am not engaged in commerce, and I’m certainly not lying when I say that Richard Painter has been waging an almost 4 month campaign to destroy my life and drive me to suicide. I have documented Richard Painter’s entire campaign against me on my blog with screenshots of all of his tweets about me. Richard Painter has called for me to be prosecuted for Fraud. Richard Painter has threatened to SWAT me. Richard Painter has threatened to report me to the Bar. Richard Painter called on Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison to prosecute me for Fraud. Richard Painter has been trying to get me kicked off all of my social media and fundraising sites that are keeping me alive. Richard Painter tried to Lynch me on Thanksgiving and Christmas, according to the NAACP’s definition of Lynching, by comparing me to Ahmaud Arbery’s killers and to Hitler. Richard Painter is evil.

I want people to understand that this is how terrified the most powerful people and institutions in the world are of the TRUTH coming out about the witch hunt at Yale. They are willing to abandon their principles. They are willing to abandon any notion of humanity or decency or morality. They are willing to literally do anything, no matter how evil, to prevent me from getting the TRUTH out about the Living or Napping While Black Hate Crime Hoax at Yale. I am an existential threat to them, because I am the proof that they are evil, lying bigots and charlatans and frauds.

I have an untold number of enemies. The most powerful people and institutions in the world consider me their enemy. Why? Because I only tell the simple, honest to God TRUTH. The Truth about the witch hunt at Yale. The Truth about the global vilification and defamation campaign against me that almost got me killed. The Truth about the Fake News Press and Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry. The Truth about Woke KKK Cancel Culture and Trial by Twitter without Due Process. The Truth about the Living or Napping While Black Hate Crime Hoax at Yale. The Truth about Everything.

But, I promise my beautiful supporters this: I will NEVER stop telling the simple, honest to God Truth, no matter what my attackers do to me.

They will have to kill me to get me to stop screaming the Truth from the mountaintops. And, they might. But, I will NEVER stop fighting for Justice and to restore Due Process and Equal Protection at Yale and everywhere. I will NEVER stop fighting to save the Federal Civil Rights Act and Civil Liberties. I will NEVER stop fighting to end Woke KKK Cancel Culture and Trial by Twitter without Due Process that is destroying us.

I promise that I will never stop telling the Truth.

My Twitter mom and guardian angel, Gretchen Mullen, skepticreview89, is going to report the abuse and harassment against me on Twitter, so that I don’t have to look at this garbage anymore. I love her forever. I am going to focus on finishing my book about what was done to me by Yale and the Fake News Press and Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry and what we can do to end Woke KKK Cancel Culture and Trial by Twitter without Due Process that is destroying us.

I’m in a dark place tonight. I’ve done everything I know how to do, and I don’t know what else to do. I honestly thought that I would have been able to save my life and career by now. I thought this hellish nightmare would be over by now. I underestimated how much my many enemies, the most powerful people and organizations in the world, do NOT want me to save my life and career.

If you wish to support me, as I seek justice, it would mean the world to me. Here are my PayPalMe and GoFundMe links.




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Sarah Braasch
Sarah Braasch

Written by Sarah Braasch

Rocket Scientist, NYS Attorney, Human and Civil Rights Activist, PhD Candidate in Philosophy at Yale, & Defender of Civil Liberties & Due Process & Free Speech

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