The Hypocrisy of Jamelle Bouie of the New York Times & the Entire Fake News Press Exposed
So, I had just exposed Mark Joseph Stern of Slate and the Above the Law Blog as Fake News Press. I’m pretty sure they perpetrated a stunt to smear the Federalist Society when they doxxed the Stanford Law students (Federalist Society members) who had filed a complaint against another student for creating a satirical flyer making fun of the Federalist Society. The complaint resulted in a graduation hold being placed upon the student who had produced the flyer. I’m fairly confident at this point that this was, at least in part, a manufactured controversy.
So, I was taking a peek at Mark Joseph Stern’s Twitter feed to see if he ever addressed the questions I had posed to him. He hadn’t, but he retweeted a comment that piqued my interest:
Of course, this retweet piqued my interest, because Mark Joseph Stern of Slate had just been screaming to everyone who would listen that the sky is falling, because of the Federalist Society.
So, I wanted to see what the garbled or completely imaginary nonsense was the conservative movement was getting people to flip their lid over, and impressively so at that.
And, I found this:
It was a tweet from none other than Jamelle Bouie, the New York Times Opinion Columnist, describing the current battle over Critical Race Theory (Woke Intersectional Feminism by another name) being taught in public schools as a “pure moral panic.”
This post isn’t specifically about Critical Race Theory, but I’ve tweeted at length about this issue, and I’ll make another YouTube video tonight. My personal view is that we are making this issue more complicated than it needs to be. The point is: the government does not have Free Speech. The government cannot send or fund the message that any one group of citizens is disfavored based upon either Race or Religion. I think we can use Establishment Clause jurisprudence as our guide. (The Establishment Clause of the US Constitution states that the Government may not take one step towards establishing a state religion. Establishment Clause jurisprudence is the culmination of our courts grappling with what constitutes one step.)
Yes, I do think that much of Critical Race Theory (Woke Intersectional Feminism) is Black Supremacy, and I think most advocates for such are being disingenuous about the fact that they are arguing for white people to be stripped of their constitutional and civil rights, but I think we can treat the ideology as we treat religious texts in public schools. Yes, the Bible and the Quran, etc. can be (and maybe should be) taught in public schools as literature, as part of history and cultural studies, but not to proselytize. Similarly CRT should not be taught in public schools to proselytize Black Supremacy. I am not opposed to anti-CRT legislation in theory, but I do feel that the current practice leaves much to be desired. CRT legislation should mirror Establishment Clause jurisprudence.
I found a couple comments by blue check mark journalists similar to the one that Mark Joseph Stern of Slate had retweeted by Ryan Cooper, National Correspondent for The Week, including this one by Corey Atad, Writer for Slate among others:
The premise of these tweets from blue check mark journalists, including, of course, Jamelle Bouie of the New York Times, is that the Political Right stirs up fake moral outrage, inciting the basest instincts of their political camp, including by whipping them into a frenzy by telling them the Political Left is coming to kill their children. They also assert that this Fake Moral Outrage over a manufactured controversy is antithetical to democratic deliberation, is something that the Political Left would never engage in, and if the Political Left in the US would stoop to such base tactics, they would be in power in the US.
obvious Living or Napping While Black Hate Crime Hoax at Yale. My life and lifelong human and civil rights academic and legal careers were decimated, including by a global vilification campaign, led by Yale and the Fake News Press. I was cast as a genocidal villain and Secret Nazi who was lynching Black students at Yale via the Yale Campus Police. I was cited as the impetus for grossly unconstitutional CAREN Hate Crime Legislation. The Fake News Press and Moral Outrage Industry destroyed the Living While Black movement by turning it into a Race Hoax and bloodsport to demonize white women and smear Trump. I had to go into hiding. I was deluged with death and rape threats. I am still, more than 3 years later, more or less in hiding, still deluged with death threats, and defamed on a near weekly basis by the Fake News Press. The ACLU continues their campaign to drive me to suicide to this day. I was just swatted twice recently, on May 9th & 17th, 2021. Thank God I have a good relationship with my local police, and I had already explained to them that this is a terror campaign meant to deter me from seeking Justice at Yale.
What I found particularly interesting about Jamelle Bouie’s Twitter thread is that he was an avid participant in the witch hunt at Yale that almost got me killed. He was very happy to whip the Political Left into a frenzy by exploiting the killings of Black men, because those white women, those Karens were coming to lynch the Black children, just like had been done to Emmett Till. He was perfectly happy to demonize white women, myself included. He was perfectly happy to destroy Living While Black by pushing obvious Race and Hate Crime Hoaxes. He was perfectly happy to turn Living While Black into a bloodsport, targeting vulnerable white women, to demonize white women for Moral Outrage Industry money and political gain.
NPR, who helped lead the witch hunt at Yale that almost got me killed, weighed in with this unequivocal defamation to fan the flames:
I enjoyed this reply by Mikel Jollett (I guess he’s a musician). Apparently, I called the non-emergency helpline of the Yale Campus Police, as I had been repeatedly instructed to do, by the Yale Administration and Yale Campus Police Chief Ronnell Higgins, because I was being harassed for months in my isolated Yale dorm room, to enforce the white power structure:
Blue check mark journalist Garance Franke-Ruta decided that me calling the non-emergency helpline of the Yale Campus Police, basically Campus Security, as instructed, because I was being harassed in my isolated Yale dorm room, after I had begged the Yale Administration and Campus Police for months to help me stop the harassment, was the natural culmination of 17 years of See Something, Say Something:
What I found interesting about this reply from Jane Coaston of the New York Times is that, like Jane, the only time I have ever sought police assistance in my adult life is when I was an overnight front desk clerk during law school at Hotel QT, in Times Square in New York City, and I dialed 911, because someone almost died from an overdose on the sidewalk in front of the hotel.
So, I guess the Political Left and Fake News Press and Moral Outrage Industry aren’t above stirring Fake Moral Outrage and inciting their political camp’s baser instincts, and whipping their political base into a frenzy by screaming at them that white women Karens are coming to lynch their children.
I’m pretty sure that the Political Left and the Democrats did perpetrate the Living While Black Race Hoax (the Great Racism Scare) for political power, to smear and unseat Trump, and I’m pretty sure that the Political Left and the Democrats are in power. I do agree; however, that this low tactic was antithetical to democratic deliberation.
So, I guess it’s a good thing that Jamelle Bouie of the New York Times et al. would never do anything so sleazy.
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