The Woke KKK Thrive On Twitter. Twitter’s New Policy is Meant to Protect the Woke and Persecute the Anti-Woke. Twitter’s TOS Mean Nothing.

Sarah Braasch
5 min readDec 5, 2021


I just want to make clear to the whole world that Twitter’s new policy banning images and video of private citizen nobodies without their consent means nothing for victims slightly to the Right politically of AOC. Or for victims who have been cast as such.

Just as I feared, this new Twitter policy, that would appear to be meant to make sure that what was done to me on Twitter never happens to another innocent nobody ever again, means Nothing. Well, it means nothing if you’re a member of the Woke KKK, and you want to destroy the lives of private citizen nobodies and pretend that this is Social Justice or that you’re helping Black people or anyone.

It is being used, like the rest of Twitter’s TOS, to persecute the anti-Woke and protect the Woke.

Twitter continues to give to their users, but especially their Woke blue check mark public figures who have repeatedly tried to mob me to suicide over the past more than 3 and a half years, carte blanche to drive me to suicide and to campaign to destroy my life.

If you are a member of the Woke KKK, you can continue to make a social media career out of driving private citizen nobodies to suicide via Cancel Culture and Trial by Twitter without Due Process. You will face NO repercussions or sanctions from Twitter. In fact, Twitter will support and reward your efforts.

If you are a member of the Woke KKK, you can continue to post TikTok videos of your little old white lady busybody neighbor (who doesn’t like your tacky Tigger Flag) for Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry money and gain. If you are a member of the Woke KKK, you can continue to destroy the lives of private citizen nobodies by publicly castigating them as Tigger Flag Karens, based on a snippet of out of context video you recorded on your iPhone of your neighbor on your front porch. And, Newsweek and the rest of the Fake News Press will continue to pretend that this is a legitimate news story and blow it up into a global racial hysteria.

Twitter doesn’t care if you campaign on their platform to get me fired from my low paying temp job that is barely keeping me off the streets. As long as you’re a Woke KKK member.

Twitter doesn’t care if you try to incite someone to shoot and kill me, by comparing me to Ahmaud Arbery’s killers, like Richard Painter and USA Today and Yale Professor Carolyn Roberts continue to do. As long as you’re a Woke KKK member.

USA Today and Richard Painter actually tried to Lynch me on Thanksgiving. (From the USA Today Op Ed: According to the NAACP, a lynching is any public killing without Due Process) Twitter doesn’t even care if you threaten to SWAT me, like Richard Painter did, for publicly documenting his now almost 3 month long campaign to drive me to suicide and destroy my life to protect his potential run for MN Governor, because I am the PROOF that he is an evil, lying bigot and fraud:

Basically, Twitter doesn’t care what you do to me on their platform. Twitter doesn’t care if you openly campaign to bring about my death, which many are currently doing on Twitter, including blue check mark public figures, including Richard Painter, USA Today, and Yale Professor Carolyn Roberts.

Twitter wants you to try to kill me on their platform. Because my continuing to breathe and speak Real TRUTH to Power is a huge legal liability for Twitter and a PR disaster of epic proportions.

Twitter allowed me, an obviously innocent Yale grad student and civil rights attorney, to be subjected to a veritable 21st Century witch hunt on their platform. There is literally nothing that Twitter hasn’t let their users do to me over the past more than 3 and a half years on their platform. Especially their Woke blue check mark public figures. Especially their Woke KKK members.

I’m not even going to bother to report the gross abuse of me on Twitter anymore. It’s a waste of my time. Twitter permanently banned me from their platform for reporting the most grotesque and reprehensible abuse and harassment against me. Twitter did this, of course, to protect their Woke KKK members, mostly their blue check mark public figures, who have relentlessly campaigned to bring about my death for more than 3 and a half years.

Twitter doesn’t care if you exploit the murder of Ahmaud Arbery for Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry money and gain, and destroy the Living While Black movement by turning it into a Race Hoax and bloodsport to target and demonize vulnerable white women with mental health disabilities, myself included. As long as you’re a Woke KKK member.

And, Twitter doesn’t care if you post video and images of private citizen nobodies without their consent to drive them to suicide and destroy their lives for Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry money and gain, as long as you’re a member of the Woke KKK.

If you wish to support me, as I seek justice, it would mean the world to me. Here are my PayPalMe and GoFundMe links.




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Sarah Braasch
Sarah Braasch

Written by Sarah Braasch

Rocket Scientist, NYS Attorney, Human and Civil Rights Activist, PhD Candidate in Philosophy at Yale, & Defender of Civil Liberties & Due Process & Free Speech

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