This Has to be a Sick Joke. Michael Harriot of The Root, Who Has Been Obsessively Stalking Me for Years Now, Named Me in What Can Only Be Construed as a Death Threat Against Me that He Wrote for the Washington Post.
So, Race Hustler Michael Harriot of The Root is upset with the Washington Post for publishing an Op Ed that includes what Harriot considers to be a straight up lie about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Here Michael Harriot of The Root tweets about this Washington Post Op Ed:
You can imagine my surprise that Michael Harriot of The Root is upset about a LIE in a Washington Post Op Ed.
Yes, this is the same Michael Harriot of The Root who wrote an Op Ed for the Washington Post that can only be construed as a Death Threat against me, and that names me, and includes many egregious and disgusting lies about me.
Here is my YouTube video about Michael Harriot of The Root’s Death Threat Op Ed in the Washington Post:
In Michael Harriot’s Death Threat Against Me Washington Post Op Ed, Michael Harriot compares me to Carolyn Bryant whose lies about Emmett Till resulted in Emmett Till being lynched.
Yes, Michael Harriot not only pushed the obvious Living or Napping While Black Hate Crime Hoax at Yale, but he stoked the “Evil White Women Karens are Coming to Lynch the Black Children at Yale” moral panic for Moral Outrage Industry money and gain.
And, what is even more disgusting about what Michael Harriot of The Root did is that he wrote this Death Threat Against Me Op Ed for the Washington Post immediately after May 25th, 2020, that is immediately after the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police Officers.
Please know: Michael Harriot of The Root couldn’t care less about Black people or Racism or Police Brutality.
Michael Harriot of The Root only cares about lining his pockets with Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry dollars.
Michael Harriot of The Root was perfectly happy to destroy the Living While Black movement by exploiting the police and other killings of Black men and boys, to turn Living While Black into a Race Hoax and bloodsport, targeting and demonizing white women for Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry money and gain.
True to form for the Woke KKK, Michael Harriot of The Root especially targeted vulnerable white women like me, private citizen nobodies with mental health disabilities and a vulnerability to suicide, and without the resources to fight back.
Michael Harriot of The Root Defines Woke KKK and Woke Privilege.
Michael Harriot of The Root obsessively stalked me for two years BEFORE his Washington Post Death Threat Op Ed about me, after George Floyd’s killing by Minneapolis Police Officers on May 25th, 2020.
Michael Harriot of The Root waxed psychotic about my genitalia.
Michael Harriot of The Root whined publicly about the fact that I hadn’t gone further in his annual Wypipo Awards contest, which he desperately wanted me to win.
The Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry and Living While Black Race Hoax and Get Sarah Braasch Killed Moral Outrage Industry have been very, very good for Michael Harriot of The Root.
He is now a Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry unto himself.
Neither the Washington Post nor The Root nor Michael Harriot have ever apologized to me or retracted their disgusting lies about me that almost got me killed and that destroyed my lifelong human and civil rights academic and legal careers.
Here are my YouTube videos about Michael Harriot of The Root’s campaign to destroy me and drive me to suicide:
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