When is the MN Press going to cover Woke KKK Monster Richard Painter Making His now 8 month Twitter Terror Campaign to Destroy Me the Centerpiece of His Campaign to Represent MN01 in US Congress?
Richard Painter is unfit to represent MN01 in Congress. Nothing could be more obvious. This is an actual, albeit deranged, news story. Why isn’t the MN Press covering it? This is not some nobody making a TikTok video of their busybody neighbor. This is someone running for Congress making his now 8 month Twitter Terror Campaign to destroy an innocent nobody and Yale grad student and lifelong civil rights attorney the very centerpiece of his campaign for Congress! The MN01 Voters have a right to know what Richard Painter has done and is doing to me.
The Democrats and Richard Painter (and the Fake News Press and Moral Outrage Industry) have spent the past 4 years confirming Payton Gendron’s fears. Payton Gendron is the self-avowed White Supremacist who went to a Buffalo, NY supermarket to shoot and kill Black people.
This is an abhorrent act based upon an abhorrent ideology. My heart breaks for all of the families of the innocent victims.
This was a tragedy. It was not, however, unexpected.
The Democrats and Richard Painter and the Fake News Press and Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry have literally spent the past 4 years confirming Payton Gendron’s fears.
They have been perpetrating and pushing obvious Living While Black Race and Hate Crime Hoaxes for political power and to smear Trump and to demonize white women and, of course, for Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry money and gain.
They destroyed the Living While Black movement, by turning it into a Race Hoax and Bloodsport, targeting and demonizing white women, especially the vulnerable, especially those with mental health disabilities and without the resources to fight back and defend themselves. They were even happy to exploit the shootings and killings, including by the Police, of Black men and boys and women and girls, for Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry money and gain. They equated any white woman calling the police on someone who happened to be Black with lynchings, including the lynching of Emmett Till. Michael Harriot, now with The Grio, formerly with The Root, did this to me repeatedly, including in what can only be construed as a Death Threat against me, naming me, in the Washington Post. This was an egregious dishonor to the memories of those who have been killed by lynching. It debased the gravity of the term. Richard Painter has also repeatedly accused me of trying to lynch Black students at Yale. They are shameless.
The Democrats have spent the past 4 years promulgating grossly unconstitutional KAREN or CAREN Acts in state and municipal legislatures across the US. The sole purpose of these egregiously unconstitutional laws is to demonize white women for political power, to smear Trump, and, of course, for Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry money and gain. These KAREN or CAREN Acts are a particularly brazen new form of unconstitutional hate crime legislation. They are unconstitutional bills of attainder; I am cited in the legislative history, and the New York version of the law was referred to, almost exclusively, as the Amy Cooper Act, by both the Fake News Press and the New York legislators themselves. Unlike traditional hate crime legislation, which at least pretends to be adhering to the US Constitution, the KAREN or CAREN Acts don’t even pretend to be adhering to the US Constitution, in any way, shape, or form. They are the most abominable violations of the First Amendment and fair trial constitutional protections.
And, the Fake News Press and Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry has spent the past 4 years trying to drive private citizen nobodies (especially vulnerable white women) to suicide via Woke KKK Cancel Culture and Trial by Twitter without Due Process. The Fake News Press in the US has fully embraced the Shaun King/The Appeal Style Twitter Race Hustler business model. Their Bread and Butter is driving private citizen nobodies to suicide for Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry money and gain.
In academia, including in US law schools and in the humanities, but also, shockingly, in science academia, the best way to get ahead right now is to write a race-baiting dystopian fantasy/Living While Black Race Hoax/Death Threat book as part of the flourishing Get Sarah Braasch Killed Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry. Just ask Campbell Law Prof Shawn Fields, Cambridge University Press, Fordham Law Prof Bennett Capers, Yale Sociology Prof Elijah Anderson, Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, Jessica Esquivel, Imani Perry of Princeton, T. Anansi Wilson of the Mitchell Hamline Law School, UC Hastings Law School, Aya Gruber of Colorado Law School, UC Berkeley Law School, Addie Rolnick, Stewart Chang, and Frank Rudy Cooper of the UNLV Law School, Jelani Jefferson Exum of the University of Detroit Mercy Law School, Katheryn Russell-Brown of the University of Florida Law School, Taja-Nia Henderson of Rutgers Law, Jamila Jefferson-Jones of Wayne State University Law School, Daria Roithmayr of USC Law School, and so so many others.
I am a lifelong human and civil rights attorney who dedicated her life to fighting oppression, and everyone who participated in the Witch Hunt at Yale has always known this. Yet, I have been branded a White Supremacist by Roxane Gay and so, so many others.
I want so desperately for people to realize how dangerous this is.
If I am a White Supremacist, then the term has lost all meaning, and we can no longer use it to identify actually dangerous persons like Payton Gendron.
If the Democrats and Richard Painter and Roxane Gay and Michael Harriot and the entire Fake News Press and Moral Outrage Industry actually cared about addressing Racism and White Supremacy in the US, if they actually cared about protecting the US against true White Supremacists like Payton Gendron, then they would not have spent the past 4 years expending their considerable resources perpetrating and pushing Living While Black Race Hoaxes. They would not have spent the past 4 years promulgating obscenely unconstitutional KAREN or CAREN Acts to demonize white women. They would not have spent the past 4 years turning the Living While Black movement into a Race Hoax and Bloodsport to target and demonize white women, especially the vulnerable, for Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry money and gain.
So, when they tell you they care, please take it with a huge grain of salt. They don’t care. They only care about exploiting this most recent tragedy for political power and money.
Richard Painter has literally made his now 8 month Twitter Terror Campaign against me the centerpiece of his campaign to represent the MN01 in the US Congress.
He is the last person who should be serving in any public office, let alone in Congress. He is patently unfit.
I am writing this brief essay, because I want us to change. I want us to be better. It breaks my heart to see what the Democrats have become. It breaks my heart to see what the Press in the US has become. It breaks my heart to see what Academia has become. What the ACLU has become. What the New York Times has become.
Everyone is a Shaun King / The Appeal Style Twitter Race Hustler now. And, no one cares about Truth or Justice or Due Process or Equal Protection anymore. They only care about driving as many private citizen nobodies to suicide as they can to make Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry money hand over fist.
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