Woke KKK Monster Campbell Law Prof Shawn Fields Brags on Twitter about Teaming Up with Cambridge University Press to Get Me Killed

Sarah Braasch
8 min readMay 12, 2022


Woke KKK Monster Campbell Law Prof Shawn Fields Brags on Twitter about Teaming up With Cambridge University Press to Get Me Killed. Cambridge U Press is publishing his Race-Baiting Dystopian Fantasy/Living While Black Race Hoax/Death Threat book. He’s proud to participate in the Witch Hunt at Yale to destroy an innocent and lifelong civil rights attorney.

Mr. Gallaway,

I am literally begging you to help me save my life. I can’t take any more abuse. I’m innocent.

I have been living in a hellish nightmare for almost 4 years. I’ve almost died more times than I can count or remember. I’m still intermittently suicidal.

You can’t do this to me. I am begging you not to do this to me.

I lost everything. I was in hiding for more than 3 years. I’m living in poverty. I’m struggling just to survive, and to stay off the streets.

But, the people, like Campbell Law School Professor Shawn Fields, who 100% knows that I’m innocent, are not going to stop attacking me until I’m dead, because I’m the still living, breathing proof that their ideologies and careers are utter bigotry and stupidity.

I am an entirely innocent victim of a Hate Crime Hoax at Yale. I am a lifelong human and civil rights attorney, working on a Saving the World Project, who dedicated her life to fighting oppression.

I am literally begging you not to subject an entirely innocent person to more abuse and vilification.

This is evil. What Cambridge University Press and Campbell Law School Professor Shawn Fields are doing to me is venal, and vile, and evil.

This is what pure evil is.

I expect you to remove all mentions and allusions and references to me from Shawn Fields’ Living While Black Race Hoax/Death Threat book before publication.

I swear to God I will find a way to sue you, if you do not do this.

I expect an immediate response.


Sarah Braasch

To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Sarah Braasch, and I am grossly defamed in a book you have plans to publish in June of this year, namely, Campbell Law School Professor Shawn E Fields’ Neighborhood Watch: Policing White Spaces in America.

I demand that you cease and desist publication of this book immediately and retract all portions that mention, refer to, and allude to me in any way, shape, or form.

The parts of the book that are about me are pure race-baiting dystopian fantasy meant to bring about my death by driving me to suicide or inciting my murder. They are not even faithful to the ostensible news sources which are cited therein.

This farce of a book is nothing short of a Living While Black Race Hoax, written for Get Sarah Braasch Killed Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry money and gain, at the cost of an innocent human and civil rights attorney’s life and career and livelihood and reputation.

It is common knowledge now that I am the entirely innocent victim of the Living or Napping While Black Hate Crime Hoax at Yale.

I was in hiding for my personal safety for more than 3 years. I was deluged by death and rape threats, I lost my human and civil rights academic and legal careers, I am living in poverty, and I continue to live in a hellish nightmare almost 4 years after this utter non-event and non-crime at Yale.

I am still stalked and harassed and defamed on a near daily basis. Former White House Ethics Lawyer (?!) and Law School Professor Richard Painter, now running for US Congress, recently waged a six month terror campaign against me on Twitter. I am barely surviving and keeping myself from starving to death on the streets. My 2 low-paying jobs are helping people by sealing criminal records for a legal aid center and stopping the evictions of families with children from their apartments.

But, this isn’t enough punishment for a non-event and non-crime at Yale from almost 4 years ago for my stalkers, including Campbell Law School Professor Shawn E Fields. They are still trying to decimate what semblance of a life I have left, by getting me fired and disbarred and expelled and made irrevocably destitute and unemployable and impoverished. They aren’t going to stop attacking and defaming me until I either starve to death on the streets or kill myself from despair or am murdered by some deranged stalker.

Campbell Law School Professor Shawn E Fields isn’t going to stop attacking me until I’m dead, because I am the still living, breathing PROOF that his ideology and career are utter Woke bigotry and stupidity.

Campbell Law School Professor Shawn E Fields is an evil, lying bigot and charlatan and fraud. He claims to be anti-the Carceral State, but he is trying to bring about my death via Woke Cancel Culture and Trial by Twitter without Due Process, for an utter non-crime and non-event from almost 4 years ago, for which I already almost died, many times over.

If you publish this, you proclaim to the world that Cambridge University Press is a joke, a Fake News Press that is happy to destroy the Living While Black movement, by turning it into a Race Hoax and Bloodsport, targeting and demonizing vulnerable white women like me, with mental health disabilities, and without the resources to defend myself.

Nothing could have been more obvious than that the Living or Napping While Black Hate Crime Hoax at Yale was a public campaign to shame me for my mental health disabilities.

This is why I refer to my relentless stalkers, like Campbell Law School Professor Shawn E Fields, as the Woke KKK. They are the anti-thesis of anti-the Carceral State. He doesn’t know the meaning of the term. I am anti-the Carceral State. Professor Fields wants to impose the immediate and grossly disproportionate sentence of Social Death or Suicide upon me for the non-crime of being unWoke, via Woke KKK Cancel Culture and Trial by Twitter without Due Process, for an utter non-crime from almost 4 years ago.

When Campbell Law School Professor Shawn E Fields equates what happened at Yale almost 4 years ago to the killings and shootings of Black men and boys, including by the police, he puts my life in the gravest of danger. He is trying to get me killed. He is also dishonoring the memories of the Black men and women and boys and girls to whom he refers in his Living While Black Race Hoax book. He is, quite simply, destroying the Living While Black movement, by turning it into a Race Hoax and bloodsport, for Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry money and gain. He is despicable. He should be beyond ashamed of himself. He should resign from his position at Campbell Law School in abject shame and disgrace and retire from public life entirely. He is sick and evil.

And, Campbell Law School Professor Shawn E Fields thinks my life is worthless and expendable, because he sees me as a crazy, old poor white trash interloper, unworthy of her place at Yale. He is happy to play elitist gatekeeper for Yale, while he pretends that he’s stalking and destroying me for social justice. What Professor Fields is doing to me is the height of bigotry and venality. It is classist and ableist and ageist and sexist and misogynistic and racist.

I demand that you halt publication of Neighborhood Watch: Policing White Spaces in America. I demand that you retract all mentions of me or the Living or Napping While Black Hate Crime Hoax at Yale, and all references and allusions thereto, in this race-baiting dystopian fantasy/Death Threat book that puts my life in the gravest of danger. I demand that you issue a public apology to me for having contributed to the global defamation and vilification campaign against me, an innocent civil rights attorney and Yale PhD Candidate, and for having contributed to the hellish nightmare that I’ve been living in for almost 4 years. I have been barely surviving for almost 4 years, because I did exactly what the Yale Administration and Campus Police told me to do, repeatedly, which was call the non-emergency helpline of the Yale Campus Police, for any reason whatsoever, because I was being harassed for months in my isolated Yale dorm room.

This is my so-called “crime,” for which Campbell Law School Professor Shawn E Fields wants me dead. And you would be helping him bring about my death, if you were to go forward with his Living While Black Race Hoax book.


Sarah Braasch

I will add to this tomorrow. I just wanted to get a blog post up right away. I will also be sending a cease and desist and demand for retraction and apology letter to Cambridge University Press right away. I only just discovered this latest addition to the Get Sarah Braasch Killed Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry in Legal Academia from Woke KKK Monster and Witch Hunter, Shawn E Fields, Law Professor at Campbell Law School.

This is a complete fabrication out of whole cloth. The race-baiting dystopian fantasy that Shawn Fields concocts in his Living While Black Race Hoax/Death Threat book, with yours truly as central villain, doesn’t even align with the entirely false narrative propagated by the Fake News Press sources that Shawn Fields cites in his Living While Black Race Hoax book.

I don’t even know what to think anymore. These Woke KKK Monsters and Witch Hunters aren’t going to stop attacking me until I’m dead, because I am the PROOF that their ideologies and careers are utter bigotry and stupidity.

They are never going to stop trying to drive me to suicide and incite my murder.

This is why I call them the Woke KKK. This is an attempted lynching, according to the NAACP’s definition of a lynching as a public killing without Due Process. This is yet another Woke KKK Monster who pretends to be anti-the Carceral State while trying to subject an obviously innocent civil rights attorney and Yale PhD Candidate to Woke KKK Cancel Culture and Trial by Twitter without Due Process. This is the immediate and grossly disproportionate sentence of Social Death or Suicide for the non-crime of unWokeness. Shawn E Fields is targeting me, because he knows that I’m a vulnerable person, with mental health disabilities, and without the resources to fight back and defend myself. This is mob vigilante (in)justice. Shawn Fields doesn’t know the meaning of the term, anti-the Carceral State.

He is destroying the Living While Black movement by turning it into a Race Hoax and bloodsport, targeting vulnerable white women in particular, and he’s happy to exploit the killings and shootings of Black men and boys, including by the police. The only thing that Shawn E Fields of Campbell Law School cares about is lining his pockets with Black Trauma Moral Outrage Industry dollars, and he doesn’t care if he has to get an innocent civil rights attorney killed to get those dollars. He is sick and evil. He is an evil, lying bigot and charlatan and fraud. There is ZERO chance at this point that he is not entirely aware that I am an innocent.

If you wish to support me, as I seek justice, it would mean the world to me. Here are my PayPalMe and GoFundMe links.

PayPalMe: https://www.paypal.me/SarahBraasch





You can follow me on twitter here: https://twitter.com/sarahbraasch1?lang=en

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz4xV2R6mTVJhAu9OQzwp5g



Sarah Braasch
Sarah Braasch

Written by Sarah Braasch

Rocket Scientist, NYS Attorney, Human and Civil Rights Activist, PhD Candidate in Philosophy at Yale, & Defender of Civil Liberties & Due Process & Free Speech

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