Woke KKK Monster Richard Painter Wastes Minnesota Tax Payers’ Money By Harassing MN Attorney General Keith Ellison to Prosecute People He Doesn’t Like
The Good People of Minnesota are too smart and ethical to elect a Woke KKK Monster like Richard Painter to represent them in the US Congress.
Richard Painter is bragging about having harassed Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison to prosecute Jeremy Munson, who is running for the same congressional seat for which Richard Painter is running. Jeremy Munson was recently endorsed by Rand Paul, whom I admire.
Richard Painter did the same thing to me during his SIX month long Twitter campaign to destroy what remains of my life and to drive me to suicide. Richard Painter 100% knows that I am an innocent Yale grad student and lifelong human and civil rights attorney and activist. Richard Painter began viciously attacking me in September, 2021, to use me as a proxy to attack University of Chicago Law and Philosophy Professor Brian Leiter.
Richard Painter has threatened to SWAT me. Richard Painter compared me to Hitler and Ahmaud Arbery’s killers.
And, Richard Painter badgered and harassed Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison to prosecute my GoFundMe for Fraud! I believe that, at some point, MN AG Ellison told Richard Painter to stop and to keep his name out of his mouth.
Thank God that GoFundMe was able to see through Richard Painter’s obvious LIES about me. GoFundMe has stood by my side during this entire 4 year hellish nightmare that I’ve been living in, despite Richard Painter and his minions constantly attacking my GoFundMe, because they know that it is keeping me alive.
Richard Painter even defamed me in an Op Ed for MSNBC, accusing me of perpetrating Fraud with my GoFundMe.
My GoFundMe is for the purpose of raising legal funds, so that I can save my life and career, get the TRUTH out about the Witch Hunt at Yale, and restore Due Process and Equal Protection at Yale and everywhere.
Richard Painter wants me dead, because I am the still living, breathing PROOF that he is an evil, lying bigot and charlatan and fraud.
Richard Painter is a Woke KKK Monster who waged a 6 month Twitter campaign to drive an already traumatized and suicidal woman to suicide over a 4 year old non-event and non-crime.
Richard Painter wasted MN taxpayer dollars by harassing MN AG Keith Ellison to prosecute a private citizen nobody for her GoFundMe for Fraud, because I have publicly documented his 6 month Twitter campaign to drive me to suicide, from start to finish.
Richard Painter is UNFIT to serve in any public office, let alone represent the MN01 in the US Congress.
The Good People of MN will NEVER elect a Monster like Richard Painter to represent them.
Someone who badgers and harasses MN Attorney General Keith Ellison to prosecute people who expose Painter for the Monster that he is.
Please share this information far and wide. MN Voters must learn the TRUTH about who Richard Painter is and what he did to me.
If you wish to support me, as I seek justice, it would mean the world to me. Here are my PayPalMe and GoFundMe links.
PayPalMe: https://www.paypal.me/SarahBraasch
You can follow me on twitter here: https://twitter.com/sarahbraasch1?lang=en
Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz4xV2R6mTVJhAu9OQzwp5g