Woke KKK Twitter Menace and Buffoon Richard Painter Vies for the Title of Biggest Embarrassment
So, Woke KKK Twitter Menace and Buffoon Richard Painter vies for the Title of Biggest Embarrassment. Biggest Embarrassment to What, you might ask. The Legal Profession? Politics? The Bush Administration (which would be saying a lot)? Legal Academia? The University of Minnesota? The Great State of Minnesota?
Here are Richard Painter’s latest thinly veiled threats against me: to prosecute me for having a website with the term ‘KKK’ in it, to get my YouTube Channel taken down, because I speak Real TRUTH to Power in my videos, and to get my GoFundMe taken down for White Supremacy and Fraud, I guess.
I’m pretty sure that Richard Painter is the least self-aware person on the planet. He rants about how no student is safe on a University campus in an urban center, especially not women. But, if a woman graduate student at Yale University in notoriously dangerous New Haven calls the non-emergency helpline of the Yale Campus Police (truly Campus Security), because she is followed up to her isolated dorm room in an unauthorized manner, he will try to Lynch her on Thanksgiving by comparing her to Ahmaud Arbery’s murderers. Only if she’s white of course, and the stranger who followed her in violation of Yale Housing regulations is Black. And, he has the gall to call me a racist. Richard Painter should teach a class at the U of MN Law School about when and which students are allowed to call their Campus Police, according to racial and ethnic and national and gender identity, since he seems to have strong feelings on the subject. And, of course, true to form, and in response to this criticism, Richard Painter threatened to SWAT me. So, I guess he thinks it’s always ok for old white male law school professors to call Campus Police.
Richard Painter rants incessantly about how horribly students from lower socio-economic backgrounds are treated at elite universities, but he refuses to acknowledge that I was ostracized at Yale for exactly this reason. This is why the Yale Administration perpetrated the Living or Napping While Black Hate Crime Hoax at Yale. The Yale Admin cast me as their Nazi, to justify their vast, new Maoist DEI Bureaucracy for anonymous snitching for racial transgressions, which they named after me, Belonging at Yale. They saw my life as expendable; they saw me as a suitable poor white trash interloper sacrifice to the Woke gods. Who could care if I die? Richard Painter certainly doesn’t.
Richard Painter exploited me to use me as a proxy to attack University of Chicago Law and Philosophy Professor Brian Leiter, and now he won’t stop. He isn’t going to stop attacking me until I’m dead, because I am the proof that he is an evil, lying bigot and charlatan and fraud. Richard Painter’s potential run for Minnesota Governor is DOA, because of his now more than 3 month campaign to drive me to suicide and destroy my life via Woke KKK Cancel Culture and Trial by Twitter without Due Process, over an almost 4 year old non-event and non-crime.
Here are Richard Painter’s latest buffoonish tweets about me (seemingly MN Attorney General Keith Ellison told Richard Painter to stop pretending that Ellison wanted anything to do with helping Painter abuse traumatized and vulnerable women on Twitter for sport):
If you wish to support me, as I seek justice, it would mean the world to me. Here are my PayPalMe and GoFundMe links.
PayPalMe: https://www.paypal.me/SarahBraasch
You can follow me on twitter here: https://twitter.com/sarahbraasch1?lang=en
Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz4xV2R6mTVJhAu9OQzwp5g