Yale Law School Dean Heather Gerken MUST Be Fired Tomorrow at a Meeting About Her Reappointment as YLS Dean. Yale Law School Dean Heather Gerken is a Woke KKK Monster. Now the Whole World Knows I’ve Been Telling the TRUTH this Entire Time about what Yale Law School did to Me.
There is apparently a meeting tomorrow, on Wednesday, December 8th, 2021, at which whichever Yale bigwigs will discuss whether to reappoint Yale Law School Dean Heather Gerken to another term as Dean of Yale Law School.
Absolutely NOT! Yale Law School Dean Heather Gerken should be fired by the Yale Corporation (Board of Trustees) or whomever has such authority, not only as Dean of Yale Law School but also from her position as a Professor of Yale Law School.
Yale Law School Dean Heather Gerken would have already resigned in abject shame, if she had an ounce of decency.
Yale Law School Dean Heather Gerken is a Woke KKK Monster. She is an evil, lying bigot and fraud.
Not only because of what she did to Trent Colbert, the Yale Law School Native American Student and Federalist Society Member who sent out the now infamous Traphouse Invite.
Not only because of what she did to the 2 Yale Law School Students of Color who refused to help her destroy Yale Law School Professor Amy Chua.
But, Yale Law School Dean Heather Gerken should be fired for what she did to me. When I went to her, begging her to help me save my life and career, begging her to address the gross ethical violations of Yale Law School affiliates, including Yale Law School Prof and Justice Collaboratory Member Monica C Bell, she mocked me and suggested that I was delusional and mentally ill.
When I went to Yale Law School Dean Heather Gerken and told her about the egregious abuse perpetrated against me by Yale Law School Justice Collaboratory members, including Johns Hopkins Professor Vesla Weaver and YLS Prof Monica Bell, Yale Law School Dean mocked me and dismissed me and suggested that I was delusional and mentally ill.
Here is a recent blog post of mine that explains the entire story of what happened at Yale Law School and what the Justice Collaboratory did to me in the aftermath of the obvious Living or Napping While Black Hate Crime Hoax at Yale. This includes pretty much all of my blog posts and YouTube videos about what Yale Law School did to me.
Yale Law School Professor and Justice Collaboratory Member Monica Bell also needs to be fired for what she did to me. She defamed me in the NYU Law Review to drive me to suicide and to destroy my life and career, to protect Justice Collaboratory member Vesla Weaver. Vesla Weaver had worked with Vox.com and Johns Hopkins Professor Chris Lebron to defame me and drive me to suicide and destroy my life and career, to use me as a proxy to get revenge against Yale for Lebron having been denied tenure. They all knew me as an innocent Yale grad student and civil rights attorney. Chris Lebron knew me well and had worked with me on 2 anti-racism conferences at Yale, along with my Yale Advisor Jason Stanley.
I am going to go make a YouTube and Patreon video about this, but I just wanted to throw up a quick Medium essay.
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